السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2011

Internal Combustion engine Project

IC Engine which is also known as Internal Combustion engine are engines where combustion takes place inside the engine.It is different from external combustion engines such as Stirling engine and Steam Engines where combustion takes place outside the chamber of engine.
Projects :

Stress Analysis and Optimization of Crankshafts :    The main objective of this study was to investigate weight and cost reduction opportunities for a forged steel crankshaft. The need of load history in the FEM analysis necessitates performing a detailed dynamic load analysis. Therefore, this study consists of three major sections: (1) dynamic load analysis, (2) FEM and stress analysis, (3) optimization for weight and cost reduction.

Computer Simulated Engine Performance

Useful Links :

Animation of 4 Stroke ICE
Hydrogen internal combustion engine
IC Engines simulator 
detonation frequency analysis
Engine Modeling of an Internal Combustion Engine
Air Compress Car
Air Bike

Related PDF :

Rotatory Internal combustion Engines ::One of the smallest combustion engine used to power batteries.
Design and Experimental Results of Small-Scale Rotary Engines

Related Video :

Related Projects :
Stirling Engine

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