الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2011

Prosthesis:Low cost artificial leg

Prosthetic limb is an artificial device extension that replaces a missing body part. It is part of the field of bio mechatronics, the science of using mechanical devices with human muscle, skeleton, and nervous systems to assist or enhance motor control lost by trauma, disease, or defect.

In this world there are many people who have some kind of disability.Engineers are working day and night to   make artificial limbs which works like a normal leg and controlled by human brain. Even though they are successful in building these limbs,but in developing world there are plenty who can't afford there ultramodern limbs because of its high cost.

The project is to develop a low cost artificial leg for the poor amputees which includes the light weight and high comfort features of the artificial legs which are at the high end of this market.You will need mechanical people from these area of expertise before you start working on this project :

1.CAD CAM—computer-assisted design, computer-assisted manufacture—of prostheses
2.Laser imaging to define wounds and abnormalities to then be fitted with prostheses  and
3.Development of new materials, including plastics incorporating carbon fibers that are much stronger than previous plastics.

Related Documents : 

Artificial limbs wired direct to the brain (pdf)
Natural vs Artificial(ppt)
Thought control Artificial limb

الاثنين، 19 ديسمبر 2011

Bicycle powered Cell phone charger

 Mobile Phone has become very effective tool in modern world mode of communication. Even in Developing countries like Kenya (as shown in video below) it is easily accessible (thanks to china's cheap manufacturing) and airtel (cheap phone calls) mobile is within the reach of poor, but problem is how to charge a phone without a supply of electricity. In Kenya and other developing countries in Africa, charging a phone is big challenge because electricity is still a distant future for them.

 People needs to travel long distances from their home to get there phone charged from paid kiosks. To solve this problem,  mechanical engineering  students of Kenya have taken a initiative to make pedal powered charger which generate enough electricity to charge basic mobile device.


1. Bicycle dynamo with a good quality clamp to hold it

2. A voltage regulator consists of a rectifier to convert the up and down un-steady AC to a DC, a capacitor to level out the DC voltage and produce a steady inflow voltage to the voltage regulator and then the voltage regulator which allows only a steady 5 volts going into the cell phone. It helps us to allow right amount of voltage for cell phone (5 V and 0.008 A), with a metallic casing to protect it from harsh weather.

3. A cell phone case with Velcro straps to hold it to the bike frame or handle bars.

Useful link :

Pedal Powered Phone Charger 

Related Video : 

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الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2011

Man Powered Helicopter

A human-powered helicopter is a helicopter designed to carry at least one person but limited to using only what power is provided by the person(s) on board, usually by pedalling. A high power-to-weight ratio is needed as in all helicopters. Such aircraft must be light and must have efficient rotary wings. Efficiency for human powered purposes means that the rotors must generate great lift but cause little drag, because drag consumes power.

Useful Links :
Yuri 1st
Human Powered Helicopters Organization 
 CNET Human powered Helicopter gets off the ground
Related PDF :

Developments in Human Powered Helicopter

Related Video :

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Mechanical engineering Projects
Physics Projects
Robotics Project
Electronics Projects
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الخميس، 1 ديسمبر 2011

Balloon Popping Machines

This project is for 6th grade kids but parental guidance is very important. You have already seen this project in many movies and I am sure you got amazed while watching it.

How to build our own?

It is not as difficult as it appears , but to get desired results and trajectory, patience is required. It works on the concept of hit and trial method because exact trajectory of a ball would be difficult to analyze.

Java based balloon popping ?


الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2011

Build your own Wind Turbine

 A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy.This turbine can be used for many purposes such as producing electricity,grinding grain or pumping water.

In this project we are talking about how we can use it to produce electricity.

Instruction guide PDF :
Build your own wind turbine 

Concept : 

Electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet and this movement would be produced by our wind turbine.

Things to know :

Nearly every electric generator has a starter and a rotor. The rotor, a magnet, is placed inside the start and rotates there.If you want first build electric generator using method given here and then connect it with our wind turbine.

Wind Turbine based on Instruction guide above :
More info about the video

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الخميس، 24 نوفمبر 2011

Pedal Powered Washing Machine

A washing machine is a machine designed to wash laundry, such as clothing, towels and sheets.Generally these machines has been powered by electrical energy but pedal powered machine runs with our energy.

Pedal powered washing machines can be very useful for rural places in developing countries where electricity is out of reach. Moreover , in developed countries too ,it can be used to save electricity and getting some work out.

Concept :

It is based on very simple concept.This machines has pedals which are connected with steel ring inside the drum or box. When we cycle pedals to revolve the ring inside the drum with clothes and detergent ,it started to work like any electric machine as shown in Video below.

Related Video :

Maya Pedal :
Innovative India :

الثلاثاء، 22 نوفمبر 2011

Talking Robots with Lego Mindstorms

From the days of "Small Wonder" TV show , I always wanted to have one robot which can talk and response just like human.To build one as Robotic Project is really interesting. This project is going to be very interesting and challenging because our robot requires not only speak capability but should have artificial intelligence to learn from its surroundings.

Architecture for talking robots consists of four main modules:
  • Dialogue system
  • Speech client with speech recognition and synthesis capabilities
  • Module for infrared communication between the PC and the RCX and
  • the program that runs on the RCX itself.
Useful PDF:

Talking Robots With LEGO MindStorms

Related Video :

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Mechanical engineering Projects
Physics Projects
Robotics Project
Electronics Projects
Electrical projects

Ball Sorting Mindstorms Lego Project

Ball sorting project is interesting one because it helps you to understand various important concepts of Robotics such as finding distance of objects , recognizing them , pick and drop them and things like that.

Useful Links :

Sort the Ball
NXT Sensors

Hardware Requirement :

Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 which includes :
  • Ultrasonic sensor 
  • Touch sensors: Lets the robot react to touch
  • Servo motors: Allows the robot to interact with the environment
    NXT Brick: The programmable core that reads the sensors and controls the motors and things many more. You can buy it from any online store including amazon.com

Software Requirement :

NXT-G :  is a graphical programming environment that comes bundled with the NXT. With careful construction of MyBlocks to encapsulate complexity, NXT-G can be used for real-world programming.

Complete Instruction and Details at Robin Newman's Page

Related Video :

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Electronics Projects
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الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2011

Business project ideas

 Thinking of starting a new venture and don't know how? This same problem has been faced by many of us. Starting a business looks difficult initially but it is not a rocket science. Fundamentals of business has not changed from centuries. Even though , we are living in a technology world and sometime feels that we need to think out of the box for running successful business , but in real life, we do not. In this post we will discuss about some really good ideas.Remember , starting a business is not a big deal but running it successfully requires dedication and determination.

There are lot of businesses you can do but I will suggest ideas which can be implemented with minimum or no costing at all.Look around and pick something you are passionate about :

Part Time Work having Potential to become full time :

1.Start a blog: This doesn't look like a business , but it is really good option with no investment.Wanna write one , start with blogger.com

2.Write a book: Yes, you don't need to be perfect for writing a book. Just start doing it write one page a day.Its really fun and you will able to complete  at least 200 pages at the end of a year.

3.Education Consultant: Do research about education environment, colleges , admission procedure and stuff like that and provide paid consultancy for that.

4.Property Dealer : Help sellers and buyers to get right kind of property and get hefty commission for that.

Businesses with Investment  :

Event Management Company : You can start your own event management company , which organize events such as marriages in your city.Hire some quality people from this field, they bring experience as well as contacts for you.

Distribution ship :  Get distribution ship of any reputed company with minimum presence in your city. If its possible find some new companies in the market whom you believe to get bigger by time. Advantage of associating with new company is that you will get good share in profit with minimum competition including help from the companies administration.

Auction Website like Ebay :  You can start your own auction site like ebay.With the open source community around it doesn't cost much,just download auction site code from sites like sourceforge.
Restaurant :  If you love cooking and have something special in that, you can start your own restaurant.For a start, you can serve only selected dishes and as word of mouth spread you can add more food items later.

Fruit and Vegetable : This business requires big chunk of land and time. Grow fruits or vegetable with working partnership with experienced local farmer. Use best technology available to make this business profitable such as Sprinklers, Drip Irrigation or Bird Scarer.

Business of Finance: This requires lot of money but you can arrange it with profit sharing basis with money lender. To run this business successfully you can ask your customer for some security like gold.

Packers and Movers: People often face difficulty to shift there offices or homes from one place to another.You can become there helping hand.

Importer : If you have good market sense , you can import cheap foreign goods from developing country like China and sell it to the shopkeepers.

Useful Links:
Small Business America
Department of Business and Innovation Skills
Business Knowledge Resource Online

الأحد، 20 نوفمبر 2011

Tricycle powered by pedals and electricity

An electric tricycle is a bicycle having three wheels with an electric motor used to power the vehicle.Tricycle which is powered by electricity would be very helpful for people who use cycles in there daily life. It would not only increase speed of the cycle but also helps them in paddling.

Concept :

Concept of this project is same as many electric vehicles we discussed before in Automobile Projects such as Solar Powered Cycle. It is powered by motor which is connected with battery that is charged with regular electricity available at home.
If you want , you can use some solar plates in vehicle itself to charge its batteries.

Components needed for this project are similar to those which we used in solar bicycle project and they are:

  • Lithium-ion battery 
  • DC-DC boost converter 
  • Solar panel Motor and 
  • Motor controller

Why Tricycles?
There are many advantages in using tricycle :
  • It is lighter than any vehicle around
  • It can be used to carry more than one person
  • There are pedals so dependence on electricity is not as much as motor bike.
  • Enough space to place large battery.
 Related Video :

 Related Projects :

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Physics Projects
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الجمعة، 18 نوفمبر 2011

PLC automatic Bottle Filling Machine

Importance of Bottle filling is realized by us when we see how many bottle we use in our daily life. Bottles are everywhere from cold drink to beer ,toilet cleaner to medicine etc etc.These bottle is filled with the help of filling machine without which it would have very difficult task. This project is about these machines.

This project is for both mechanical and electronics student because it has properties of both.
Related PDF and Docs :

Design of a Bottling Line Mechanism ( 4 MB )

Micro controller used in bottle filling plant(4.2 MB) 

Useful things to know : 
PLC : 
A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or light fixtures. PLCs are used in many industries and machines.

Related Video : 

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الأربعاء، 16 نوفمبر 2011

Can Crusher Experiment

Can crushing is very important to reuse aluminum in these cans. Moreover this contribute to significantly lower the waste management problem. These can crusher can be made to work mechanically so that no electricity is needed to crush them.

Why can crushing project is important?

Process of can crushing is very complex now. Every one throw there waste including cans to the dustbin, from there it is collected to throw in a city garbage area. Waste management people collect each can from there manually. And then these cans go for recycling in a big crusher. This whole process takes large amount of time and energy. We can reduce this problem if we crush them manually or with little electricity and then use them or sell them to aluminum buyers.

Useful Links :

Plasma Dynamic Can Crusher :  A 100 micro-Farad capacitor is charged up to 10 kV which discharges through a 3 turn copper coil upon triggering the spark gap switch. The magnetic field thus produced in the coil is so strong that any soda can, within the coil, will be crushed.

Related Video :
Mechanical Can Crusher

Homemade Can Crusher :

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Pneumatic Projects

الأحد، 13 نوفمبر 2011

Pedal operated power generating system

 Pedal powered system can be used to recharge your cell phones, laptops or to power your camping outside. This is just a start but in future if it gets implemented in local exercise parlor and in every bicycle in a optimized way , it can produce electricity on large scale. Moreover , this method used successfully in recent wall street demonstration.

Things to know : 

Alternator : An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current.

Alternators generate electricity using the same principle as DC generators, namely, when the magnetic field around a conductor changes, a current is induced in the conductor. Typically, a rotating magnet, called the rotor turns within a stationary set of conductors wound in coils on an iron core, called the stator. The field cuts across the conductors, generating an induced EMF (electromotive force), as the mechanical input causes the rotor to turn.

Inverter : An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current.

Related Video :

With the help of an alternator, mountain bike and an inverter, we can run a human-powered 220 Watt food processor as shown below :


الأربعاء، 9 نوفمبر 2011

Real Time Sorting Machine

It is Candy sorting machine built in LEGO. It is using Java Optimized Processor which is mounted on LRBJOP board.It is using tilt-tray sorter method.

Why Real Time Sorting used?
A tilt-tray sorter is a high-speed, continuous-loop sortation conveyor that uses a technique of tilting a tray at a chute to slide the object into the chute. It is used to expedite the process of Order fulfillment to consolidate line items of an order, and to process returned products for immediate updating of inventory in real time.

Helpful Resources : 

Java Optimized Processor :  
The unit controlling the LEGO motors and sensors is Java Optimized Processor (JOP). JOP is a Java processor, an implementation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in hardware.JOP executes Java Byte-code with precise timing constraints for each instruction, enabling execution time and scheduling verification.
Click here for JOP Design website

Uppaal :
Implementation has been modeled and verified using Uppaal. Uppaal is an integrated tool environment for modeling, validation and verification of real-time systems modeled as networks of timed automata, extended with data types (bounded integers, arrays etc.)

Lego PCB : 
LEGO PCB is a robotics invention system of the LEGO Group. It was intended for children, but it turned out to be a great toy for adults, too. It combines electric components like sensors and actuators with Lego bricks and Lego Technical parts, such as gears, wheels and axles, to build robots and other automated or interactive systems.

Made by: Petur Olsen, Thomas Bøgholm, and Henrik Kragh-Hansen

Related Video :


الجمعة، 7 أكتوبر 2011

Escalator Compatible Wheel Chair

People who use Wheel Chairs , always face difficulty using escalators. Students at Illinois Institute of technology find solution of this problem by designing this chair in different way. Wheel Chair developed by them can be used at escalators.

Building wheel chair requires good design, it should be robust and light weight. Their is very little scope of error because it is going to be used on escalators where even a minor mistake put its rider at risk. In the video given below, you can see how student of Illinois University has implemented this project successfully.

How it works?
It is designed in such a way that when it is used on escalators it becomes immovable and stable. For that purpose it has support in the front which gets grounded when required.

السبت، 1 أكتوبر 2011

Mini Scooter

Mini Scooter is good and practical project for mechanical students. Moreover, it can be build using the materials which are available easily.

By building scooter , you will understand the how it works and also what are the difficulties engineers face while building two wheeler. I would suggest you to go one step further by building it green. Green means scooter which runs on compress air or solar or any form of energy which is less polluting then existing one.

While building this project , I would suggest you to focus only on its functioning and less on looks or its design malfunctions. Because designing is altogether different field , it needs different approach and time which we can do later after building our mini scooter.

Things to consider:

Estimate cost and a profit feasibility
It should be light Weight
Safe to ride

Components Required:

1. Power
2. Engine
3. Chassis and
4. Controller

This project is based on very simple concepts of mechanics, and it is easier to understand if we start from tail. For example, to rotate a wheel, we need engine, in this case Two Brush-less DC Motors . These motors need to be controlled by controller, in our case, it is two power MOSFETs Rectifier (IRFB3207 and IRFB3077). Moroever, to power these motors, we will need some form of energy and here we use electric power stored in batteries. You can use as many batteries as you want. For more info, you can visit the link given below.

Related link :

BWD Scooter 

I don't know whether the video given below is homemade or not but I found it interesting to post here:

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Automobile Projects

الثلاثاء، 27 سبتمبر 2011

Optimization of Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbine design is the process of defining the form and specifications of a wind turbine to extract energy from the wind.A wind turbine installation consists of the necessary systems needed to capture the wind's energy, point the turbine into the wind, convert mechanical rotation into electrical power, and other systems to start, stop, and control the turbine.Windmill Kites is one of the best example about what design improvement can do.

In 1919 the physicist Albert Betz showed that for a hypothetical ideal wind-energy extraction machine, the fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy allowed no more than 16/27 (59.3%) of the kinetic energy of the wind to be captured. According to Betz's law, no turbine can capture more than 59.3 percent of the kinetic energy in wind. The ideal or maximum theoretical efficiency n max (also called power coefficient) of a wind turbine is the ratio of maximum power obtained from the wind to the total power available in the wind. The factor 0.593 is known as Betz's coefficient. It is the maximum fraction of the power in a wind stream that can be extracted.

power coefficient = Cp =( power output from wind machine) / (power available in wind )

Design is vital for any wind mill to function well and efficiently. If we can improve its design , power generated by windmill would increase significantly.

This project idea is for students interested in CAD. They should try to design most optimum wind turbine blades. In the video given below , I have shown you one such design.

Related Video:

Related PDF:
Rochester Institute

Windmill Power generation System

الاثنين، 26 سبتمبر 2011

Manufacturing Project Ideas

Manufacturing is a process to develop products for self use or sell. This process is largely associated with the industries which we called manufacturing industries.

There are many projects which you can do as a student of this field to improve efficiency , lowering raw material wastages and making things green.

I am discussing some of these ideas below :

1.Thermodynamic Analysis of Manufacturing Processes Engineering

2.Applications for the Plastics Industry

Plastic industry manufactures and sell polymers in various shapes and sizes. They are used in construction of bridges, buildings and roads.
Many house hold goods are also made up of plastic.

3.Green and Efficient Materials :

Green Manufacturing

4.Use of Waste Resources

5.Reducing waiting time for individual product.

6.Lead time reduction and capacity increase strategy in coil manufacturing for electric motors

Useful Links:

Planning Process in Manufacturing Systems

الأحد، 25 سبتمبر 2011

Biomechanics Projects

Biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of biological systems by means of the methods of mechanics.It is very important branch of science and also very helpful to the athletes who participate in Olympics.

Bio Mechanical Project Ideas:

The best ideas about this topic I have found so far are available at University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering click here.

Professor Jonathan Butcher and Jack Thompson Projects

Effects Of Shear Stress And Tensile Strain On Cell Mono-layers

Effect of obesity on Walk of humans : you can study the effect of obesity on human body. When weight of the body increases, it can cause change to our walking habit. You can study about this topic.

Design human body parts : In a year millions of people around the world lose there one or more part of their body due to accident or natural disasters. We can help those individual by developing these for them.

Design robots bio mechanically : If you have ever build robot, you know that designing them is very difficult task , you can take help of human or animal body dynamics in their design.

Instrumentation design projects

Related :
Mechanical Projects

السبت، 24 سبتمبر 2011

Microbial fuel cell

A microbial fuel cell (MFC) or biological fuel cell is a bio-electrochemical system that drives a current by mimicking bacterial interactions found in nature.A microbial fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy by the catalytic reaction of microorganisms.

According to BBC Science and Environment ,US researchers say they have demonstrated how cells fueled by bacteria can be "self-powered" and produce a limitless supply of hydrogen.Microbial fuel cells hold promise as a new source of electricity by their unique ability to generate an electric current from waste products.

Modeling the processes in microbial fuel cells could pave the way for improving the voltage output and take us one step nearer to using these devices to produce electricity.

How Microbial Fuel Cell works?

We all need food to survive, in the same way, bacteria needs energy to survive.

 Bacteria get this energy in a two-step process :

The first step requires the removal of electrons from some source of organic matter (oxidation).

The second step consists of giving those electrons to something that will accept them (reduction), such as oxygen or nitrate.

If certain bacteria are grown under anaerobic conditions (without the presence of oxygen), they can transfer electrons to a carbon electrode (anode). The electrons then move across a wire under a load (resistor) to the cathode where they combine with protons and oxygen to form water. When these electrons flow from the anode to the cathode, they generate the current and voltage to make electricity.

Related Video :

Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
SOFC is a solid state device that produce electricity directly from oxidizing a fuel at elevated temperature. It consists of porous ceramic anode,electrolyte(dense layer of ceramic) and cathode as thin porous layer. It uses ceramic electrolyte with inexpensive catalyst at high temperature of around 700 degree Celsius and has large thermal innertia.More Info

الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2011

Bending Light

Objective : Study about light and what happens when it gets bend.

Refraction is the change in direction of a wave due to a change in its speed. This is most commonly observed when a wave passes from one medium to another at any angle other than 90° or 0°.

Category : Physics Project Idea

Grade : 8th class students

Difficulty : Easy

Experiment :

How does light bend in sugar water :
Fish tank filled with sugar water solution (5 parts water, 1 part corn syrup) and left to settle over the weekend results in an index of refraction that varies with depth (greater at the bottom of the tank). Because of the variation in the index of refraction, light bends instead of traveling in a straight line.

Things to know :
Snell's Law : is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction, when referring to light or other waves passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media, such as water and glass.

Electromagnetic Radiations : is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction, when referring to light or other waves passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media, such as water and glass.

Speed of Light :  299 792 458 m / s

Sun is 150 million km 's away from earth. Can you imagine , with the speed of light , it takes only 8 minute 19 seconds to reach from sun to earth.You can measure speed of light yourself with the help of microwave. In the video given below , it has shown that how we can measure the speed of light with the help of wave formations on chocolate .


Absolute permittivity is the measure of the resistance that is encountered when forming an electric field in a medium. In other words, permittivity is a measure of how an electric field affects, and is affected by, a dielectric medium. The permittivity of a medium describes how much electric field (more correctly, flux) is 'generated' per unit charge.

Optics :

Optics is the branch of physics which involves the behavior and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it.Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light.

Ray Tracing: In computer graphics, ray tracing is a technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light through pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects.

Fermat's Principle : Fermat's principle or the principle of least time is the principle that the path taken between two points by a ray of light is the path that can be traversed in the least time. This principle is sometimes taken as the definition of a ray of light.

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School Projects
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الاثنين، 19 سبتمبر 2011

School Projects

Ultraviolet Rays :
Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays, in the range 10 nm to 400 nm, and energies from 3 eV to 124 eV. It is named because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than those that humans identify as the color violet.
Useful Links :

What is ultra violet light ?

Projects :
What duration of ultra violet radiation kills bacteria ?
Modeling of these rays
What Materials Glow Under a Black or Ultraviolet Light?


Bio-Insecticides And Pesticides :

Bio pesticides and insecticides are biochemical pesticides that are naturally occurring substances that control pests by nontoxic mechanisms. Conventional pesticides, by contrast, are generally synthetic materials that directly kill or inactivate the pests.

Useful Links

Pesticides in Organic Farming
An intro to Organic Pesticides 
Managing Houseplant pests

The effects of water impurities on plant growth:

It more or less depends on what type of impurities are ? If impure water has harmful chemicals then it will definitely affect growth of the plant. In this project you need to find out about the impurities which harm plants as well as those from which plant started to grow faster.

Useful links :

Is it important for the greenhouse grower

Waste Water Management:

Water is one of the most important asset of human life. Even though there earth is surrounded by 70 % of water, large percentage of human population is facing problem of water shortage. With the help of effective water management we can reduce this problem with some extent.

There are two important ways for water management :

1.Waste Water Management :  The process of removing contaminants from waste water and household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic.
2.Industrial Water Management

Useful Links : 

Presentation on Sewage Treatment
Water Management Project Video 

Pocket guide for first aid: 

Major damage can be avoided if proper first aid is given on time. You can create your own first aid book which has all the necessary material required by the patient.

Agriculture :

1. indigenous designs of farm machinery, agricultural implements and practices.
2. issues related to the animal health and food safety
3. ecologically sustainable farming methods
4. innovative/inexpensive/improved/ indigenous technology/conservation and
transport of agricultural and animal products and food materials.
5. rainwater harvesting and storage
6. river water sharing, efficient and equitable use.
7. application of biotechnology, microbiology, genetic engineering for improved and
high yielding varieties.

Read More

How Oil Spills effect the life of Sea Species: 

In our life we have seen multiple occurrences of oil spills around us. Most recently world was shaken and shocked  with the magnitude of gulf of mexico oil spill. Effect of these spills was not much on humans with respect to animals living there.

More Projects :

Microbial fuel cells


Sterilization of Water using Bleaching Powder:

Sodium hypo chloride is a chemical compound with the formula NaClO. Sodium hypo chloride solution, commonly known as bleach or Clorox, is frequently used as a disinfectant or a bleaching agent.Sodium hypo chloride has been used for the disinfection of drinking water. A concentration equivalent to about 1 liter of household bleach per 4000 liters of water is used.This process is called Shock Chlorination . Shock chlorination is used in many swimming pools, water wells, springs, and other water sources to reduce the bacterial and algal residue in the water.

Disadvantage: Its effect on health is still widely debated.

Bio-Diesel and Bio-Petrol:

Biodiesel refers to a vegetable oil- or animal fat-based diesel fuel consisting of long-chain alkyl (methyl, propyl or ethyl) esters. Biodiesel is typically made by chemically reacting lipids (e.g., vegetable oil, animal fat (tallow)) with an alcohol.

Biodiesel is meant to be used in standard diesel engines and is thus distinct from the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel engines. Biodiesel can be used alone, or blended with petrodiesel. Biodiesel can also be used as a low carbon alternative to heating oil.

Fertilizer (or fertilizer) is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) that is added to a soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of plants.[1] A recent assessment found that about 40 to 60% of crop yields are attributable to commercial fertilizer use.

Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed, humic acid, and guano.Although the density of nutrients in organic material is comparatively modest, they have many advantages. The majority of nitrogen supplying organic fertilizers contain insoluble nitrogen and act as a slow-release fertilizer. By their nature, organic fertilizers increase physical and biological nutrient storage mechanisms in soils, mitigating risks of over-fertilization. Organic fertilizer nutrient content, solubility, and nutrient release rates are typically much lower than mineral (inorganic) fertilizers

 Measuring Solubility of Saturated Solutions

Saturation is the point at which a solution of a substance can dissolve no more of that substance
Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical substance called solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid, or gaseous solvent to form a homogeneous solution of the solute in the solvent. The solubility of a substance fundamentally depends on the used solvent as well as on temperature and pressure.

Study the Setting of Cement

Cement sets when mixed with water by way of a complex series of hydration chemical reactions still only partly understood. The different constituents slowly hydrate and crystallize while the interlocking of their crystals gives to cement its strength. After the initial setting, immersion in warm water will speed up setting. In Portland cement, gypsum is added as a compound preventing cement flash setting. The time it takes for cement to set varies; and can take anywhere from twenty minutes for initial set, to twenty-four hours, or more, for final set.

Some Related Topics on Cements :

Portland Cement Hydration
Environment Consideration on Cement
Use of Waste Plastic in cement Concrete

Measure the Amount of Acetic Acid in Vinegar

Acetic acid is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3COOH. It is a colorless liquid that when undiluted is also called glacial acetic acid. Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid (ethanoic acid). It also may come in a diluted form. The pH of table vinegar ranges from 2.4 to 3.4[1] (higher if diluted). The acetic acid concentration typically ranges from 4% to 8% by volume for table vinegar[2] and up to 18% for pickling vinegar.

10th grade chemistry projects
I received lot of emails related to school projects of chemistry. I have selected few topics which I am going to discuss in the next few posts.In them I will discuss about the given topics , method of doing them and what is the importance of these experiments in real life.

Redox reactions
Conductance in electrolytic solutions,specific and molar conductivity,variation of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch's law(Details click here)
Electrolysis and laws of electrolysis(elementary idea)
Dry cell,Electrolyte cells and galvanic cells ; lead accumulator
EMF of the cell
Standard electrode potential
Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells.Fuel cells,
More Chemistry Projects

Related PDF :

Acetic Acid Content on Vinegar
Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar

Useful Links :

Know more about Acids and Basics 



Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data.[1][2] It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.

1. Mathematical models related to environment.
2. Mathematical models of heart, brain, kidney, language, bone etc.
3. computer diagnosis of human diseases.
4. probability for the accuracy of calculators and computers.
5. applications of mathematical equations used in understanding various nuclear and
sub-nuclear processes.
6. mathematical models of physical geography such as rotation and revolution of
earth etc.
7. applications of mathematical equations to biological solutions.
8. studies of storage and retrieval techniques for computer systems.
9. statistics and random number problems.


History Project Ideas


Hydrology Projects

Urbanization : 

Large number of people are migrating towards the city to find better job. According to one estimate in 2030 around 60 % of world population would live in the city. You can make model of this project where you can show people who are migrating to cities where they are getting good jobs while leaving behind calm and peaceful life of villages.

Global Warming :

You can make project of global warming as well as how it is effecting our earth. If you want, you can explain the factors due to which global warming takes place.


Trebuchet Project

Bending Light
Working models of production of electrical energy from mechanical sources:

Windmill power Generation System
Water Turbine Power Generation 
Solar Power Generator 

Design of fuel-efficient or no pollution engines:

Compressed Air Cars 
Air Powered Bike
Hydrogen Powered Vehicle

Design of solar heating devices :

Solar Water Heater

Projects Based on Solar Energy :

Solar Energy Projects

Mechanism of extraction, storage and processing of fossil fuels.
Principles and design of solar panels and solar still.
Renewable Energy Projects
Effects of landscaping and architecture on energy consumption.
Methods of heat retention in materials.

Physics Projects


History of Computers :

This project is for kids of class 7th or 8th. I would be very fascinating for them to know more about computer which they know now and it was when they were not even born. With this experiment they will amaze that how much computer has changed after its invention.

Computer Shop

This project is about shop management , it is very advance topic and would be recommended for 12th grade students. In this project they would made a computer shop software which keeps the data about stocks in the shop, daily sells and things like that.

Travel Agency for Class 12th


Railway Ticket Reservation :

This is a software which is used as ticket windows of railway platforms. They book your ticket and allot seat for you. They need software to do things faster and this software is Railway Ticket Reservation system which keeps data of how many tickets are already booked? how many seats are remaining? what is the cost of ticket and stuff like that.

Periodic Table
Library Management System
More Computer Projects

Maths Project :

Polygon Analysis : Determine a formula that calculates the number of diagonals in a convex polygon in terms of number of sides. Base Difficulty

السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2011

Internal Combustion engine Project

IC Engine which is also known as Internal Combustion engine are engines where combustion takes place inside the engine.It is different from external combustion engines such as Stirling engine and Steam Engines where combustion takes place outside the chamber of engine.
Projects :

Stress Analysis and Optimization of Crankshafts :    The main objective of this study was to investigate weight and cost reduction opportunities for a forged steel crankshaft. The need of load history in the FEM analysis necessitates performing a detailed dynamic load analysis. Therefore, this study consists of three major sections: (1) dynamic load analysis, (2) FEM and stress analysis, (3) optimization for weight and cost reduction.

Computer Simulated Engine Performance

Useful Links :

Animation of 4 Stroke ICE
Hydrogen internal combustion engine
IC Engines simulator 
detonation frequency analysis
Engine Modeling of an Internal Combustion Engine
Air Compress Car
Air Bike

Related PDF :

Rotatory Internal combustion Engines ::One of the smallest combustion engine used to power batteries.
Design and Experimental Results of Small-Scale Rotary Engines

Related Video :

Related Projects :
Stirling Engine

الخميس، 15 سبتمبر 2011

Income Tax Calcuator

How this tool would be helpful?

Income tax calculator is very useful tool for every day users. Every one of us need to calculate our payable tax each year. This task become much more complicated when we have different sources of income and each has different rule from income tax department.

For Whom : This project idea is for Computer Science(CS) and Information Technology (IT)Students.

Level : Easy

How to build it ?

As always to build any software project , we will follow water fall model as you have studied in Software engineering class :

Requirement Analysis :

This is one of the most step for any computer science project. In this step we find out complete requirement for this project including customer's requirement and software requirements. Very important questions such as Why we need this particular project? Who are end users? Things like that should be answered in this step.


We will database to store user information, tax rules information and stuff like that. For this project we will use Mysql as our database engine.

Which type of Application it is going to be?
We are going to make it a web application because this application needs regular updates about the IT rules and if we made desktop application , it would be extremely difficult for us to update the database of each and every customer.

With the help of web application users from different countries can use it without worrying about updating it manually because administrators of this application would keep on updating and adding new rules whenever applicable.

Programming Language:

After knowing that it is going to be web application it is easier to decide that it is going to be php application. There are two reasons behind my selection :
First, PHP is very popular language and free books and tutorials are easily available online.
Second its free, PHP is open source language so that its totally free to use and it gets updated time to time with better functionality.

I have discussed some points for our planning phase but you can add many more details in requirement analysis , because bigger it is , better your software will be.

Design :

There is going to be two sections for our income tax calculator :

Administration Section : Owner of the application can edit the income tax rules and modify the data such as rates which is necessary.

User Section : Where user can select his or her country or state, so correct tax rules can be applied for his tax form. After that there would be income form to be filled ,which eventually gives user total amount of tax to be paid.

You will need pencil and blank papers for this section , draw design of all the pages which are required , draw form , its label , specify where you need text field, radio button or combo box.

Implementation :

Download Wamp server and start working with the help of simple notepad. To code you should have good knowledge of php , read some free tutorials on internet if you don't have that.

Verification :

Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program/application/product:
  1. meets the requirements that guided its design and development;
  2. works as expected; and
  3. can be implemented with the same characteristics.
There are three types of testing whose explanation is out of the scope of this post but you can read more about them by clicking on links below :

1.White Box Testing
2.Black Box Testing
3.Grey Box Testing.

Maintenance :

Software's are never complete there is always scope for improvement. So, our income tax calculator too needs continuous upgrade for new features and technology.

For your help you can download source code and application itself from the links below :

Income Tax Calculator :

OpenTaxSolver : Open Source Income tax calculator written in C

TaxMagic :A simple open source/free software tax calculator written in .NET

Tax Estimator :U.S. Federal personal income tax estimates using the RushTaxOS taxEngine.

Related Projects : 

Computer Engineering Project ideas
Java Project Ideas
How to answers Projects