السبت، 18 ديسمبر 2010

Time table related projects

Time table is important part of human life.The basic difference between human beings and most other species on earth is that we follow strict time table while others don't. We know when to sleep , when to work and manage our life accordingly. Moreover, Our schools, parents teach this to our children from childhood. In this post we will discuss how computer programs helps us to manage it more specifically.

Tool for educational tables : This project has been implemented in Egypt. It is used for managing time of students and teachers according to their location and availability. It is useful for any college and school.

TT Viewer : The purpose of TTViewer is to display times tables that the user requests. TTViewer stands for 'Times Tables Viewer' and can be used as a great education tool for people who are not familiar with there times tables.

QHourGlass:  is a easy to use Time Table Viewer written with Qt.The time table format is in XML format.It also has routines to rate the time table.

University Timetabling: UniTime is a comprehensive educational scheduling system that supports developing course and exam timetables, managing changes to these timetables, sharing rooms with other events, and scheduling students to individual classes.


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