الثلاثاء، 28 ديسمبر 2010

Post office System

In this post we will discuss about two types of post offices; one type of post office is a place which provide us letter, courier , money deposit and similar type of services and other one is a type of protocol used for advance tasks.

Why do we need Post Office System?
In past, it was very difficult to trace our consignment but with the help of this system we easily get information about its location. Moreover it also helps in managing and storing data of our customers while side by side managing our finances.

If you already have this system you can mail me your source at cg [at] iprojectideas.com. I would love to post it here.

Post office Deposit System : In this project we can store the data of deposit system, like deposit money, withdrawal money, and various reports.

Corporate Post Office : CPO is a tool written in Java that manages newsletters

Post Office Protocol 4 (POP 4)

Post Office - SOAP or FTP : System interfaces for transferring files that use HTTP SOAP Web Service with RPC attachments. Java client implements a Post Office for B2B file exchange - encapsulates connection protocols (SOAP or FTP), processes XML file, exchanges any new files.


Computer Science Projects
Computer final Year Project Ideas

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