الخميس، 30 ديسمبر 2010

Meeting Scheduler Systems

Meeting Scheduler system is used to schedule meetings according to the available time slots. Despite, being such a important software , its very easy to implement.

In this system , we can create database with table of available time slots. In Administrator Section of the software , we design a form to change the value of time slot from available to busy.

After every time slot gets booked , software will automatically inform the user that meeting can't be scheduled today and now next available time slot is available next day.

By this way we can book appointments for whole new year without worrying about our Schedule.
Swift meeting management system : The SMMS is base on Java web technology (Groovy/Grails), it intend to be easy to deploy, use, extend, and integrate.

Meeting room scheduler system : application that provide you a easy way to book/schedule meetings, rooms, video conferences, all via WEB

convener : Project in php and mysql

Book a meeting : help to find an appropriate date to book a meeting between participants who do not use same calendar/schedule system

الأربعاء، 29 ديسمبر 2010

Defect Tracking System

Defect tracking system is also known as bug tracking system. It is a software application and it keeps track of software bugs which is reported by either end user or by internal app in software development cycle.

It is one of the most important component for ideal software development firm because when we develop software first time, we don't know how it is going to work on different environments and situations. So, to keep the track of the bug we need to know all the information about it and its causes such as location, time, events happened before.

This information is either reported manually or by some internal bug reporting program. Sometime, email is prepared by the system and sent to programmers with end user permission.

All these reported bug is stored in this tracking system to manage this data and get information from it.

Programmers keeps on working to solve issues according to their priorities and keep that info too on this system only.

This system help programmer to move towards the goal of error free program.

Sbug defect tracking system :  written in Java, using JSP and PostgreSQL

The Providex (tm) help desk management software : written as an alternative to bugzilla, and other defect tracking systems. It is written entirely in Providex, a business basic language. 

Software change analysis tool

Related Projects :
Computer Science Projects
Computer final Year Project Ideas

الثلاثاء، 28 ديسمبر 2010

Post office System

In this post we will discuss about two types of post offices; one type of post office is a place which provide us letter, courier , money deposit and similar type of services and other one is a type of protocol used for advance tasks.

Why do we need Post Office System?
In past, it was very difficult to trace our consignment but with the help of this system we easily get information about its location. Moreover it also helps in managing and storing data of our customers while side by side managing our finances.

If you already have this system you can mail me your source at cg [at] iprojectideas.com. I would love to post it here.

Post office Deposit System : In this project we can store the data of deposit system, like deposit money, withdrawal money, and various reports.

Corporate Post Office : CPO is a tool written in Java that manages newsletters

Post Office Protocol 4 (POP 4)

Post Office - SOAP or FTP : System interfaces for transferring files that use HTTP SOAP Web Service with RPC attachments. Java client implements a Post Office for B2B file exchange - encapsulates connection protocols (SOAP or FTP), processes XML file, exchanges any new files.


Computer Science Projects
Computer final Year Project Ideas

الأحد، 26 ديسمبر 2010

Online auction system

Java based online auction system

EveryAuction:   well-known free Perl online auction applicatio

Auction Mage: sniper software to manage and bid on your online auctions

Bartertown :online auction application for small communities (colleges, workplaces, etc). It has been built with symfony, and currently supports a LAMP setup.

السبت، 18 ديسمبر 2010

Time table related projects

Time table is important part of human life.The basic difference between human beings and most other species on earth is that we follow strict time table while others don't. We know when to sleep , when to work and manage our life accordingly. Moreover, Our schools, parents teach this to our children from childhood. In this post we will discuss how computer programs helps us to manage it more specifically.

Tool for educational tables : This project has been implemented in Egypt. It is used for managing time of students and teachers according to their location and availability. It is useful for any college and school.

TT Viewer : The purpose of TTViewer is to display times tables that the user requests. TTViewer stands for 'Times Tables Viewer' and can be used as a great education tool for people who are not familiar with there times tables.

QHourGlass:  is a easy to use Time Table Viewer written with Qt.The time table format is in XML format.It also has routines to rate the time table.

University Timetabling: UniTime is a comprehensive educational scheduling system that supports developing course and exam timetables, managing changes to these timetables, sharing rooms with other events, and scheduling students to individual classes.


الأربعاء، 15 ديسمبر 2010

Resource Management System

Success of any enterprise depends on how well it manages its resource. Computer engineers plays vital role to help an organization to achieve that. You can too develop RMS as your final year project. It will be beneficial for you to understand real world problems. 

OrangeHRM is an Open Source Human Resource Management System that covers Personnel Information Management, Employee Self Service, Leave, Time,Attendance, Benefits, and Recruitment.

Meta Resource Management System : management system for use by small and medium-sized businesses and business departments (30-500 employees)

VRMS:This project aims to develop a system that integrates scattered resource in various virtual environment as one management and manages them.

الثلاثاء، 14 ديسمبر 2010

Inventory Management Systems

Inventories are vital part of any business and there is ever increasing demand for management system for it. If you are interested you can select this project. To understand its concept use given links :
PHP Wine Inventory Management System : phpWIMS is a complete and precise wine inventory management system with an easy-to-use PHP web interface.

Once you understand the concept of this project, you can customize it according to your need. For example basics of all the inventory systems are similar and if you want to create inventory system for product other than wine you can do it by slight modification in code.

Windows Inventory :   A Computer Hardware and Software Inventory system. Based around wmi, vbscript, mysql & php. Expandable via modules to include software distribution, remote control, event viewer, disk monitoring, etc

Related Projects :
Computer Science Projects
Computer final Year Project Ideas

الاثنين، 13 ديسمبر 2010

Resume builder computer project

Resume is very important first step for any individual seeking job. This project deal with this problem; it helps to create resume automatically. This project can be used as minor project for both computer science and information technology students.

I am posting three links for downloading source code for this project which gives you clear idea about how to develop it.

1.The Cool XUL Resume Generator : web based application for creating and maintaining professional resumes

2.XML Resume Library :  XML document type and set of XSL stylesheets for the web and print production as well as the metadata mangement and B2B exchange of resumes and curricula vitae.

Related :

Computer Science Projects
Computer final Year Project Ideas