السبت، 15 مارس 2014

Automobile Service Center Management System

Automobile Service Center Management System (ASCMS) is an application used for digitized  the paper work and reduce paper work. It is very useful software for small service centers who wants to computerized their work.

Advantages of using this software:
Maintain records of customers for years
Managing Stock
Generate Invoice
Developed in PHP so accessible from anywhere around the world

Tools Required:
PHP ( Programming Language), Apache Server & MySql (Xampp)
Codeigniter Framework
Download (Open Readme.txt for instructions)

Modification Required:
Automobile -> Application -> Config-> database.php (Line 51 to 54)

Why Codeigniter ?
Because it is a (Model View Controller) MVC Framework and reduce development time significantly.Without going into complex definitions, you simply understand it as in MVC, projects are divided into three parts :
Model : Works with database
View:  Works with user interface
Controller: Control everything and makes connection between model and view

In Codeigniter their are three different folders for each and you will start understanding it after reading tutorials or books about this framework.

Recommended Book:
CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development ( Kindle Edition for only $3 )

What is our objective?

Before beginning to develop any project, first we need to understand our goal. In this project we will develop PHP website where we will design customer form to get customer information, vehicle form to get details about customer vehicle. Then we will create job order for this particular customer. After that we will add purchases to this job order, thereafter generate invoices for that job.Meanwhile doing all the above things, we will also manage stock of the service center and for that we will need product and vendor forms.

I have choose Mysql as a database for this project. You can select any db of your choice. As we know our objectives, we get a clear idea of tables required by us.First we will need customer table to store customer data, second employee table to store employees of the store, third for storing invoices, fourth for storing job_order for vehicle, products for stock management, purchase details for storing purchase, vehicles and vendors for storing their data.

So, Important tables are:
Detail Explanation:

Our Program has used 6 Controllers:

1. auth.php
We will use Tank Auth Module (Free Download) for authentication purposes and this controller performs function such as login, logout, redirect etc.

2. examples.php
We will use grocery crud Module (Free Download) for crud task and this is a controller provided by them. We customized it to use it according to our requirement. This controller helps us to do create, read, update, delete and edit  our table from php forms.

Form validation

Generate invoice : Take job order number and fetch all relevant data from the database tables to generate invoice with giving one last option of editing it.

check whether user is logged in if yes then redirect it to main page.

Views and Models:
They are self explanatory and have same names as controller.

I hope you would like this project!

الثلاثاء، 25 فبراير 2014

Solar powered Pesticide Sprayer

We have discussed lots of agricultural projects on this blog.This post is part of that series. Farming is one of the most oldest and important business ever done by humans but in most parts of the world it is done in traditional way. Though, farmers are adapting to changing times but their are many more things that's need to be done.

Why ?
At present time we use Power sprayer in two stroke petrol engine which pollutes our environment. It requires regular maintenance and filter cleaning regularly. It costs around Rs.70 / hr or $ 0.96 / hr. As demand of energy increasing, its cost is increasing too.  As we have seen example of Tractors, Motors electrical pump, Technology is being useful for improving production

How to build this project?
Their are two ways you can do it. First one is from the scratch where we build each and everything ourselves and learn basics of motor, blower and solar power technology and second way is where we avoid reinventing the wheel instead of that focus on our task in hand which is building pesticide sprayer which runs with the help of solar power.

How ?
First method:
Prepare design of your sprayer using computer aided tool( CAD). You will require following materials for building this project:
Solar Panel Battery
DC Motor 
Connecting wires 

Second method:
You will need 82 W 12 V electric motor of around 1kg weight. Connect this motor with Li-ion battery which is further connected with solar panel. It would cost you around Rs.70 / hour which is at par with petrol powered sprayer.

السبت، 22 فبراير 2014

Zoology Project Ideas

In most simple words zoology is the science of study animals in their natural environment.
Nervous System:
1.Detail study about the role of each and every component of nervous system.
2.Design nervous system computer animation which shows function of each and every part of this system.

It includes tortoises, turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and extinct forms.
1.You can conduct study on any of the above reptiles about their habitat, movement or classification.
2. Kids below 5 can also build paper reptiles to understand the basics of designing and movement of reptiles. For ex. If they build snake they need to build its tail in series with combination of rings fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament so that it looks and move like snake.

1. Do animals have memory, smell senses or color distinguishes capabilities? Do some experiments to find out that and record your findings with data.One of the best way to do it is by constructing maze.

2.Study Animal's Populations in different environment and what are the reasons for their population growth at one place more than other place.Moreover, you can also study whether population growth depends only on availability of food or their are some other factors involved in it.

الجمعة، 21 فبراير 2014

Hydraulic Clock

In the fast moving world where new products launch everyday, things looks obscure and understanding technology behind it looks out of reach and complex.Take an example of digital clock, we all use them but never bothered about how they work and technology used in building them. Today we are going to discuss project which is not only interesting but has its own significance in a journey of innovations. It will help students learn basics of hydraulics and fluid mechanics.  I have seen this project title at one education site and find it interesting enough to discuss with you.

What is Hydraulic clock?
It is water clock also known as "clepsydra" in greek means water. Water is the only source of energy other than gravity which keeps this clock moving.According to my knowledge first hydraulic clock was build by Chinese scientist Yi Xing in 1088 C.E.
How it works?
 It works on the concept of Hydraulics and often powered by Gravity. Its accuracy depends upon the inflow and outflow of water. Though it seems simple but to make it accurate is a mammoth task.

Is their any other alternatives ?

Yes they do, if you don't want to use water as its power source you can use human power and gravity together to construct your own mechanical clock. Concept of this clock would remain same with only thing changed is that, now you need to pull up some mass for gravity to attract in a controlled manner. Moreover, you need to pull this mass up whenever it gets grounded by gravitational force.

What this mechanism called?
It is known as  escapement which according to wikipedia is a device in mechanical powered clocks that transfers energy to the timekeeping element and allows the number of its oscillations to be counted.If you want you can Read More about escapement here

الجمعة، 7 فبراير 2014

Spherical Solar Energy Cells

The biggest hurdle in the use of clean energy is their costing which is far more than traditional sources. We at Projectideasblog.com always try to bring you information about the latest technologies and innovation and this article is one of those posts where we will not discuss about idea but technology which in future has potential to change our lives.Scientist around the world are working day and night to make it cost effective.Batteries and Material cost are two main reasons for its high production cost. We can bring down its cost in two ways; first by reducing the price of storage that we discussed in our last post and second by improving the efficiency which we are discussing today.

Today we will discuss about the new solar cell developed by Barcelona scientist Andre Broessel which can significantly improve the efficiency of existing cells. It is with solar energy is its low efficiency. German Architect Andre experiment seems to be solution of this problem and it would improve its efficiency by 35 percent.It is based on the concept of focusing sunlight to one point. Founder of this technology claims that it will not only improve efficiency of solar power plant but also produce electricity when sunlight is not widely available i.e. night.Moreover with the help of spherical cells we can produce solar power 24x7 which is itself a revolution and launchpad for future ideas to blossom.

Helpful links:
Spheral Power
Rawlemon Solar Devices

How it works?
It catches sun rays from all directions and concentrate this rays(moonlight or sunlight) on one point.Biggest advantage of using this technology is that It concentrates light by 10,000 times.

Important Links:

Rawlemon Spherical Solar Energy Generator 

الجمعة، 10 يناير 2014

Quinone Battery to make solar and wind power cheaper

We all know that biggest hurdle for solar and wind energy popularity is their cost of batteries.If cost of storage becomes cheaper by some innovation in battery manufacturing, renewable energy can become great competitor for traditional sources of energy such as coal.

Why storage of electricity is important for renewable energy and not for conventional energy?
 With conventional sources, we get constant supply of electricity and because energy source can be supplied as per need but in renewable energy, energy source is not in our hand and can't be supplied constantly and that's why storage plays very vital role in renewable energy. To understand its importance more, we can also take example of wind farm, which generate electricity 24x7 while we require more electricity at the day time in comparison to night. So, extra energy generated at the night time can be stored and supplied latter when required.

What is the solution?

Harvard University researches developed new type of battery with the help of organic material Quinone on the negative side and bromine which is toxic in nature on the positive side. Now scientist are finding ways to replace bromine with some other form of organic material. Quinone can be synthesized from the plant called Rhubarb.Moreover, once functional, these new batteries will reduce the cost of batteries by 2/3 of their current cost well below the $100 per kilowatt-hour benchmark set by United States Department of Energy.