الجمعة، 15 يونيو 2012

Light Weight floating Wind Turbine

A floating wind turbine is an offshore wind turbine mounted on a floating structure that allows the turbine to generate electricity or pump water in water depths where bottom-mounted towers are not feasible.

Further more, wind is more powerful over the sea in comparison to land. Though their are many ways we can use these turbines,but today we will see how we can use them for pumping water.

Farmers around the world consumes large amount of fresh water for their farming.Not only that,at some places of Africa and Asia, their only source of fresh water is rain or tube wells.Farm Pond project, we discussed yesterday can help them to store rain water on their farm itself. Even though,  farm ponds with drip irrigation solves the problem of water shortage for farmers but still they need to pump out this water for irrigation and light weight floating wind turbine pump can be used here.

Pumping at farms usually done by traditional methods such as electric pump or diesel pumps.But as our focus is to make our farming green, we can use wind or solar powered pump discussed earlier on this blog. Though any of these methods can be used but floating wind turbine would be much better alternative, particularly for farm pond pumping.

How it works?

Its working is similar to traditional wind mills with only difference is its free flowing nature.It base is not fixed and it floats and changes its direction according to wind.


Mechanical Projects
Physics Projects
Farm Ponds

الخميس، 14 يونيو 2012

Farm Ponds

We all know that water is precious and with growing population and their needs, fresh water is getting even more worth full with each passing day.Main uses of fresh water are drinking,washing and in Agriculture.Each year irrigation requires large amount of water and one of the main source of this water is rain. This makes rain water harvesting a top priority for farmers in every country from east to west.

Why we need farm ponds?

Most of the farmers all around the world heavily depends upon rain for their agricultural needs.Crops are very sensitive and two or three delays of watering can have devastating impact on crop production. Farm ponds help them to become somewhat independent and they can timely give water to their crop irrespective of time of rain.It also helps to improve ground water significantly.Farms ponds with drip irrigation would play great role in water management.

Indirect Advantages:

Water saved here can be used somewhere else ex. industries, households etc.
Less dependence on ground water which eventually increase it.
More production,less price of food grains for poor.
More area can be covered in agriculture where due to lack of water resources farming is almost impossible.

How it can be done?

It can be done using Farm Ponds. Farm ponds are artificial ponds dig inside the farm to harvest rain water.
Construction of Farm Pond Manually( Example):
Top Cross section of Pond = 27 m * 27 m
Bottom cross section of Pond = 23 m * 23 m
Depth of Pond = 3 m
Side slope = 1 :1

الاثنين، 11 يونيو 2012

Pedal Powered Water Filter

Pure water is precious and its value is known to those people who do not get it.According to the WHO, such disease account for an estimated 4.1% of the total DALY(Disability-adjusted life year) global burden of disease, and cause about 1.8 million human deaths annually.Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms that most commonly are transmitted in contaminated fresh water. In my last post, I discussed about how we can purify it with solar energy.Though in summer solar water purifier is good option but in winter or rainy season it becomes very inefficient and slow.

We need a system which can work whole year whether it is day or night. Pedal Powered water filter is one of such solution. It is green and pollution free method of purifying water using human labor.

How it works?

We all know how nature filters our water. It evaporates dirty or sea water and later condenses it in the form of rain which is pure drinking water. Pedal powered water purifier works on the same concept. In this project we pedal our bicycle to transform water into vapor and later condense it to get clean water.


This project consists of two chambers,copper tube and pipe, one chamber is for dirty water called tank and second one is tiny boiler.Both of these chambers are connected using pipe. When we fill our tank with dirty water,as pressure of dirty water increases,water starts to transfer from tank to boiler using pipe connected to both of them. In boiler, water gets heated up to the boiling point using pedal powered generator.Water Vapor generated in this process passes through tank of dirty water using copper tube and later to outlet.Advantage of passing water through dirty water chamber is that,it preheats the dirty water and condense itself to provide us clean water. Video show below has complete explanation.

Related PDF:
The Portable Bicycle Ultra-Filtration Water Treatment System
Water Purification Project
University of Michigan complete project Report

Related Projects:

Mechanical Projects

السبت، 2 يونيو 2012

Solar powered water purification system

Waterborne diseases have significant contribution in total number of diseases around the world. Most of the developing countries governments around the world are still struggling to provide clean water to their people.This problem is much more severe in some parts of Africa.

Today we will discuss how we can use solar energy to purify water. This would be great project not only for you as your engineering project but people whom life will change by your effort.
In my research I found that it is extremely difficult to make water completely clean.Even, if we heat water to 100 degree Celsius(212 Fahrenheit), some bacteria's would survive till 118 degree Celsius(244.4 F).Thus we would try to filter as much as we can using sun energy to make it less harmful.

Sodis: Solar water disinfection is one of the most easiest method of water filtration. You just need to fill clean plastic bottles with water(somewhat filtered with traditional method like sand) and expose these bottles to direct sunlight from 6 hours to 2 days (depending upon the condition). Water will get mostly disinfected.

Solar Water Purifier: It uses the concept natural fiteration of evaporation and condensation. When water gets heated with sunlight, it starts converting into water vapor which later condensed to get pure drinking water.

The development of a solar thermal water purification, heating, and power generation system(pdf)

الجمعة، 1 يونيو 2012

Knowledge sharing system

We humans love to share knowledge.We often share our thoughts with our friends , family members or office colleagues.Knowledge sharing is an online platform for all those people who loves to contribute with each other.Moreover, they will not only share but also gets real time feedback from readers.

computer science and IT Students.

Advantages of Knowledge sharing system:
  • People with the same interest can interact with each other.
  • Author of any content is available to answer any query.
  • Real time updates.
Language Required:

You can build this system in whatever language you are comfortable with.For eg JSP,PHP,C# or Ruby but I would suggest you to use Content Management system(CMS) such as Drupal, Joomla or Ruby on Rails.Advantage with CMS is that it helps you to keep focus on project and remaining things would be handled by it.

Any Authenticated user can write an article and share it with other users. Users with or without authentication can read any article written on the site and can also comment on it


If you are using CMS. It is very easy. You need to define role of users and give them permission accordingly. In drupal you can add or set permission using "People" option of Administrator toolbar.

Administrator : read,write,delete and edit any article and comment.
Authenticated:  read any article and write,edit and delete his own article.
User: read any article on given page

How to build it?

Building it is very easy using drupal(requires php and mysql).You just need to download and install drupal into your system.Everything from authentication,commenting,Permissions and Roles would be handled by drupal.


Final Year Computer Science Projects