الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

GSM based Irrigation system

In recent years mobile has become household name. Its reach is wide and anyone can be contacted anywhere using mobile phones. In a last decade we have seen transformation in mobile technology and now it can be used for many purposes and not confined with only communication. Mobile Banking, Photography and Wireless Printing are some of the examples of its distinctive uses.Today, we will discuss that how farmers can use mobiles in agriculture.

Today we will discuss three projects related to GSM based irrigation and in future discuss about their implementation.

How GSM can be used by farmers?

In farming there is lot of trivial task that needs to be done manually by the farmer. If we can give control of this these things to farmer using mobile phone, it would help farmers to save their time and money.

Automation of farming can be done by following ways:

GSM pump controller: Farmers can on or off water pump remotely using mobile phone and micro controller.

Weather Updates using Mobile Phones: Mobile phone will get weather updates in sms form in real time with the help of web server and mobile infrastructure.Implementation of this service requires Agriculture SMS Management system which we will discuss in next post.

Pest Control: The Pest control consists of two components, a remote monitoring system (RMS) and a host control system (HCS). RMS would be used to monitor environment and pests and HCS would store that information into database.

Control Farming Vehicles with Mobile: In the video shown below , you can see how one student control tracker using his GSM Mobile Phone:

Useful links:

GSM Based Automatic irrigation system
An SMS based Rural Application

Related Video:

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