الأحد، 27 فبراير 2011

Adaptive braking (ABS)

Details :
It provide better mechanism for braking and helps biker to control bike effectively. ABS (Anti lock braking system) generally offers improved vehicle control and decreases stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces for many drivers; however, on loose surfaces like gravel or snow-covered pavement, ABS can significantly increase braking distance, although still improving vehicle control.

This system consists of four things:

1.Controller: It is one of the most important part of ABS System. It is just like a brain which controls everything. It keeps a close eye on speed sensors and open or close valve accordingly.


3.Pump  and

4.Speed Sensors : ABS gets all the information about the wheel movement included locked up info from these sensors. It is very important component of this system.

How it works?
It is very effective braking system. It produce the effect similar to as when we apply and release brake 15 times a second. I mean, when you apply a anti lock braking system, speed of the wheel start decelerating faster than usual, controller gets this information from sensor, to make the wheel acceleration at par with the vehicle speed controller reduces the pressure of break , once that happens controller increase the pressure again of brake chamber again. This process keeps repeating until vehicle or car stops completely. It happens very fast(15 times/s) and we get effective and fast braking experience.

What is Anti Lock Braking?
How ABS Works ?
More About Antilock Braking System

Related PDF :
Adaptive braking System (ABS)
Adaptive Control Braking System using Labview
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