الجمعة، 17 سبتمبر 2010

Digital Audio Processing

Audio Processing can be done in two ways, one is analog and other one is digital. Most preferential way now days is Digital Audio Processing because analog signals are representation of data streams which are variable in time whereas digital stream is representation of same data in discrete points(samples). More samples we have more accurate our data is.
Why audio signal processing is so important?
In past recording your song requires great amount of money,time and resources. With the development of simple filters and recording softwares life has become easy for young singers, who can now record their songs from their home and process them with the help of filters and audio processing softwares available online.Using this technology, we can filter unwanted sounds and reduce frequency to our comfort level.

How to do it?

Sound is made of different frequencies and to filter it first we need to separate these frequencies from one another. And this separation can be done using Fourier Transform. Read More

Important things to know :

What is audio signal processing ?

Digital Processing 

Digital audio processor

Related PDF :


Source code :

DAP at sourceforge.net

Related Video :

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