الأربعاء، 22 أغسطس 2012

Pedal Powered Juicer Grinder

A juicer is a tool for separating juice from fruits, herbs, leafy greens and other types of vegetables from its pulp in a process called juicing. In separating the pulp, juicers concentrate the nutrition naturally present in fruits and vegetables and allows the body to more easily absorb the nutrition than digesting the solid produce. The use of juicers also makes it easier to consume more raw produce.

Electric Juicer is very common part of our life. But , do you know how much electricity we consume while juicing! if we start using pedal powered juicers,we will not only save large amount of electricity but our body would get some exercise too.

This project idea is for mechanical  and physics students.

Is it commercial viable?

Yes , it is , in New York I have seen it implemented where customer gets discount if he pedals his juice himself.

How to build my own?

Its simple, you need to buy some old juicer(I recommend sugar cane juicer for this project) and connect it with your bicycle instead of electric motor using belt. Video shown below will give you some idea about that.

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الاثنين، 20 أغسطس 2012

Ruby on Rails Project

Ruby on Rails(ROR) was first introduced by David Hansson when he was working on the basecamp project. ROR is basically a framework developed on Ruby language. It makes website development interesting and very easy.

It works on two concepts -

1)Convention over configuration - Its a software design paradigm
to gain simplicity
2)Don't repeat yourself - Same code is not repeated twice anywhere in the program

Though the flexibility of programing is compromised but the programmer gets a speedy decision making advantage and also saves himself from future problems.

David Heinemeier Hansson extracted Ruby on Rails from his work on Basecamp, a project management tool by 37signals (now a web application company).Hansson first released Rails as open source in July 2004, but did not share commit rights to the project until February 2005.In August 2006, the framework reached a milestone when Apple announced that it would ship Ruby on Rails with Mac OS X v10.5 "Leopard",which was released in October 2007.

As many other frameworks, ruby on rails(ROR) also works on MVC(Model View Controller ) concept. There each layer is independent of the other. For eg. if you want to do something with application data, you code would be in the model layer which handles database. If the designer wants to implement new template he would have to work with view layer.

ROR is getting popular with each passing day. You can imagine the extend of its popularity only by the fact that Twitter and Groupon programming completely done on ROR only.

I am sharing some project ideas below which would help you to understand and learn about this extraordinary programming language which I personally use and recommend.

E commerce

Local Commerce

Neelix recipe management system : It allows you to organize your recipes and do useful things with them, such as printing shopping lists, meal plans, scaling recipes arbitrarily, printing recipes, and import/export with other programs.

Tracks To Do List Application: This application helps you in doing things properly.

Yellow Pages

Dating Website(Lovd by Less): Built with Ruby on Rails, Lovd is a social networking solution that has everything you need to build your community.

Gullery Photo Gallery: Gullery is a simple photo gallery built with Ruby on Rails. It works well for a personal portfolio or small photo gallery.

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الثلاثاء، 7 أغسطس 2012

BCA Projects

BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) is a undergraduate degree course in India.With the boom of the IT industry, it has become one of the most sought after graduate degree courses. Full-time BCA programmes normally take three academic years.The course usually consists of programming languages, mathematics, algorithms, data structures, networking, etc.Though , you can do project on any of the above topic,but still here I am suggesting project ideas related to programming languages.

C :

You can do project related to any topic related to computer science but I would personally recommend to go for C and C ++ Projects.

Advantage of using C: 

C is the base of computer programming and once you start understanding it , you will not face any difficulty in learning new languages. Other advantage with C is that it doesn't require large computer resources and you can run its project on any machine whether you are using windows or linux server.Not only that, because C is one of the oldest language , you will get lot of free resources and books of C on internet.

Once you start developing in C , you will also start understanding limitation of C language and get an idea why we had developed other programming languages.

C++ is for those students who wants to get exposure of object oriented programming. Developing project on C Plus Plus is great way to learn classes, object and constructors.

Library Management System
Mobile Phone Shop
Search Engine Project

More C and C++ Projects


Java is one of the most important language in today's world. According to official website of java over 3 billion devices are running on java. Advantage of java is its virtual machine which makes it platform independent.

Hospital Information System in Java
Mail Client Projects
Real State Project in JSP
Java Projects


It is one of the most popular language now-days.It is also known as Server Side Language. The reason behind its popularity is its simplicity. It can be written inside any html page and its embedded inside the page perfectly. It is really useful for designing dynamic website.It runs on Apache Server.

If any one of you are interested in web programming , you can build project on PHP.

Video Rental Service
Personal Finance Management System 
Meeting Room Booking System
Income Tax Calculator 
Purchase Order System

More PHP Projects


It is pretty similar to PHP with one of the main difference is that ASP is developed by Microsoft and PHP has been given by open source community. It runs on IIS Server provided by Microsoft.

Hospital Information System
Movie Ticket Reservation System
Online Treatment System in Homeopathy
Job Recruitment System
ASP Projects

Ruby on Rails:

ROR is a framework based on MVC(Model View Controller) developed in 2003 by David Heinemeier Hansson. It is based on ruby language .Rails provide us tools sufficient to build large websites such as Twitter.I am giving you few examples about sites which you can build using ROR below.

Job Recruitment System
Knowledge Sharing System
Purchase Order System

You can build anything using ROR which you build using Asp.net or PHP. So you can refer to theirs pages too for ideas related to its project.

ROR Projects

الأربعاء، 1 أغسطس 2012

Personal Finance Management

Personal finance refers to the financial decisions which an individual or a family unit is required to make to obtain, budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events.

Personal finance management is very important and useful in long term. Each individual should know about his or her spending habits as well as earning sources.

This project can be done by Computer Science , BCA , MCA and IT graduates.


This application works as a small accounting software where we need to take input from the users, do some calculation inside and store these calculation and user input inside the database.


We need to design some forms to take input from the users. For ex. Form to take input of bills such as telephone, electricity or credit cards.

Once we take input, we will add all these values according to dates ( Weekly, Daily and Monthly Basis) and store them into our database.

We can add as many forms as user needs and store them accordingly. Sometime we need to use complex formula such as finding interest on amount or things like that , but that can be easily done using loops and variables.I am giving you some projects below from open source community which help you to understand this topic more.

Source Codes:
Jgnash : jGnash is a cross platform personal finance application.It is a double entry system with support for multiple currencies.

Personal Finance Manager: Multi-user Personal Finance Manager web application. It helps you to manage and reconcile accounts and transactions; track income and expenses.It uses Jquery based ajax form submission to eliminate page reloads.

MyFina : MyFina(My Finance) is a web-based personal finance and budgeting program for managing accounts and expenses. The system aimed at those who have little or no financial background to gain control over their money.

PHP Finance System: phpfin is a well known finance manager. It gives you complete control over your finances from budgeting and scheduling transactions to email alerts.


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IT Projects for students