الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2011

Prosthesis:Low cost artificial leg

Prosthetic limb is an artificial device extension that replaces a missing body part. It is part of the field of bio mechatronics, the science of using mechanical devices with human muscle, skeleton, and nervous systems to assist or enhance motor control lost by trauma, disease, or defect.

In this world there are many people who have some kind of disability.Engineers are working day and night to   make artificial limbs which works like a normal leg and controlled by human brain. Even though they are successful in building these limbs,but in developing world there are plenty who can't afford there ultramodern limbs because of its high cost.

The project is to develop a low cost artificial leg for the poor amputees which includes the light weight and high comfort features of the artificial legs which are at the high end of this market.You will need mechanical people from these area of expertise before you start working on this project :

1.CAD CAM—computer-assisted design, computer-assisted manufacture—of prostheses
2.Laser imaging to define wounds and abnormalities to then be fitted with prostheses  and
3.Development of new materials, including plastics incorporating carbon fibers that are much stronger than previous plastics.

Related Documents : 

Artificial limbs wired direct to the brain (pdf)
Natural vs Artificial(ppt)
Thought control Artificial limb

الاثنين، 19 ديسمبر 2011

Bicycle powered Cell phone charger

 Mobile Phone has become very effective tool in modern world mode of communication. Even in Developing countries like Kenya (as shown in video below) it is easily accessible (thanks to china's cheap manufacturing) and airtel (cheap phone calls) mobile is within the reach of poor, but problem is how to charge a phone without a supply of electricity. In Kenya and other developing countries in Africa, charging a phone is big challenge because electricity is still a distant future for them.

 People needs to travel long distances from their home to get there phone charged from paid kiosks. To solve this problem,  mechanical engineering  students of Kenya have taken a initiative to make pedal powered charger which generate enough electricity to charge basic mobile device.


1. Bicycle dynamo with a good quality clamp to hold it

2. A voltage regulator consists of a rectifier to convert the up and down un-steady AC to a DC, a capacitor to level out the DC voltage and produce a steady inflow voltage to the voltage regulator and then the voltage regulator which allows only a steady 5 volts going into the cell phone. It helps us to allow right amount of voltage for cell phone (5 V and 0.008 A), with a metallic casing to protect it from harsh weather.

3. A cell phone case with Velcro straps to hold it to the bike frame or handle bars.

Useful link :

Pedal Powered Phone Charger 

Related Video : 

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الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2011

Man Powered Helicopter

A human-powered helicopter is a helicopter designed to carry at least one person but limited to using only what power is provided by the person(s) on board, usually by pedalling. A high power-to-weight ratio is needed as in all helicopters. Such aircraft must be light and must have efficient rotary wings. Efficiency for human powered purposes means that the rotors must generate great lift but cause little drag, because drag consumes power.

Useful Links :
Yuri 1st
Human Powered Helicopters Organization 
 CNET Human powered Helicopter gets off the ground
Related PDF :

Developments in Human Powered Helicopter

Related Video :

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Mechanical engineering Projects
Physics Projects
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الخميس، 1 ديسمبر 2011

Balloon Popping Machines

This project is for 6th grade kids but parental guidance is very important. You have already seen this project in many movies and I am sure you got amazed while watching it.

How to build our own?

It is not as difficult as it appears , but to get desired results and trajectory, patience is required. It works on the concept of hit and trial method because exact trajectory of a ball would be difficult to analyze.

Java based balloon popping ?
