الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

Pedal powered refrigerator

The purpose of the bicycle powered refrigerator is to allow someone to take a bike trip and keep their food or drink cold. This project can be used for poor neighborhood of Africa or Asia where electricity is still a distant thing . Moreover it can be extended to more useful device with the help of windmill or flowing water . If its pedals joined with the turbine revolving using wind or water, we can use this refrigerator as a automatic machine . This project idea is for student of mechanical , electrical and physics students.

Concept :

When we pump out gases from the water box in the refrigerator by paddling a bicycle , we creates low pressure area inside the box, due to this low pressure ,water starts evaporating, and for that evaporation it needs heat from the surrounding which is our refrigerator.In that way it cools our refrigerator.

Steam is generated in the process of evaporation which later been absorbed by Zeolite as shown in video . Absorption of steam is a property of zeolite that's why we use it in this experiment.

What are Zeolites ?

Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents.An example mineral formula is: Na2Al2Si3O10·2H2O, the formula for natrolite.The major producers in 2010 were China, South Korea, Japan , Jordan , Turkey ,Slovakia and United States. The ready availability of zeolite-rich rock at low cost and the shortage of competing minerals and rocks are probably the most important factors for its large-scale use. You can purchase it from any mineral supplier in your city. Just google it with your city name.

Related articles :
Hazon webpage

Related PDF :

Human powered refrigerators

الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

الثلاثاء، 3 مايو 2011

Hydrogen powered vehicle

Hydrogen Vehicles use energy produced by fuel cells. A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy from a fuel into electric energy. Electricity is generated from the reaction between a fuel supply and an oxidizing agent.This project idea is for mechanical and automobile engineering students.

How Fuel Cell Works ?

Hydrogen cars are not only the future, they are here, now.
Paper on Fuel Cell Cars 
How Hydrogen Car Works ?
Basics of Fuel Cells

How to build it ?

Hydrogen fuel cell

Related PDF :
Electric and Hydrogen Powered Vehicles

Related Video :

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Automobile Projects