الثلاثاء، 29 مارس 2011

Wind energy projects

Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale.Wind can play important part in our growing energy needs. many European countries as well as Asian countries such as India , started to invest heavily on windmills.

According to wiki total generation of power using windmill reached 175 GW which is around 2 % of total usage. Even though it is small quantity ,but countries like Denmark produce 20% of its electricity using windmill so its contribution would rise.

Now days, compressed air energy is very popular.When we compress air into the cylinder , it stores lot of potential energy in itself which can be converted later into kinetic energy.

Projects related to wind energy :

Wind pump : Read more about it on Mechanical Projects Post

Wind mill Power generation System

السبت، 26 مارس 2011

Cogeneration Project

Cogeneration (also combined heat and power, CHP) is the use of a heat engine or a power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat. We all know that all power plants emit heat while producing electricity, this heat energy can be used for other purposes. Masnedø CHP power station in Denmark(Image shown below)  uses the same concept.In my opinion it is a great project for Mechanical Engineering students.Its use is not only limited to big power plants, it can be used in other places too, good example of that is: implementation of co-generation plant at Carnegie Mellon University about which you can search on internet.

At the time of global warming ,it is vital to improve efficiency of  our power plants,this can be done easily using this method.University of Gaziantep journal about Performance assessment of co-generation plants proves my point.
Coopers' Brewery uses this system to reduce its carbon footprint to 50 percent and at the same time double there production.

How cogeneration works ?

Even though companies started to implement co-generation in their plants , there is still lot to do in this field,for example there can be other ways to use this heat or how many other places this concept can be implemented.

Useful Resources :

Cogeneration for confectioners
MIT Cogeneration Project

الخميس، 24 مارس 2011

Python Projects

Projects given below use python as there primary language. You can download python from Python official website. It is very popular language; even your favorite search engine google uses this language as its front end.

Recipe Management Systems:

Gourmet Recipe Manager is a recipe-organizer for GNOME that generates shopping lists and allows rapid searching of recipes. It imports mealmaster & mastercook files and exports webpages & other formats. Gourmet uses python, gtk and metakit.

Adimeal RMS : entirely written in python.Actualy is has a text UI and a graphical UI using the GNOME Desktop.

PDF-Shuffler is a small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface. It is a frontend for python-pyPdf.

Spells and Stuff is a Python based web roleplaying system, that allows a DM(Dungeon Master) to create potentially unlimited graphical worlds and will allow multiple players to graphically explore them via a standard web browser.

Cartoon Grabber : The aim of this small project is to create a nice, gtk-based comis strip viewer. Written in python, will allow to keep track of your favourite comic strips and manage them (store on your disk, etc.)

Board Games : You can build program which allows user to play games like checker , Scrabble .

Auction Site : Where people can auction on products in a way similar to ebay.

Spelling Checker : Program which check spellings using the user written dictionary.

Student Information System : You can write application where student complete information can be store such as his attendance,  marks , interests etc etc.

Advantage with Python :
It is very easy to learn and can be learned with the help of this online tutorial.

Related :

Final Year Computer Science Projects
Computer Engineering Project ideas
Java Project Ideas
Php Project

الأربعاء، 23 مارس 2011

Vacuum and Power Brakes

Vacuum brakes are one of the oldest braking system exist. It was first introduced and employed on the trains in the mid-1860s. The most simplest way to explain it is that it uses vacuum power to stop the train. These brakes have been improved significantly over the years.

Vacuum or power brakes are used in all most all the railways and modern day cars. It consists of five major components:

1.Break Pedal

2.Intake Manifold


4.Hinge and


How Vacuum brake works?

This system has two chambers, one is always filled with vacuum(first) and other one has either vacuum or atmospheric air(second). Their is a link between two chambers, so vacuum can transfer from first chamber to second.

When we push the break pedals, it opens up the second chamber seal, which allows atmospheric air to enter into the second chamber. This air exerts lot of pressure on the first chamber filled with vacuum which eventually push the brake fluid and stops the vehicle. I am embedding very important video which will help you understand exactly how it works.

This project is good for the case study purpose.I am giving you some helpful links below  :
How power brakes Works ?

How Vacuum brakes Works from African Railways ?

Brake System used in IR 

Railway Technical 

الثلاثاء، 22 مارس 2011

Heat transfer Projects

Introduction :

Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the transfer of thermal energy from one physical system to another.
The transfer of heat is normally from a high temperature object to a lower temperature object.Many students confuse heat transfer with the temperature,professor of IIS Bangalore wrote wonderful article about basics of heat transfer. Heat transfer is a result of first law of thermodynamics which states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it transfers from one state to another.

This video will help you to understand this concept further :

Projects : 
You can find students of Virginia projects at Virginia faculty page. We have already used this concept in many projects we have discussed before in this blog ex. Sterling engine project , which use transfer heat energy to mechanical energy for pushing piston.Although,it is very wide topic but I find two very interesting projects from Carnegie Melon University ,first is about Heat Transfer for Fluid Inside Pipes and second is about The Rate of Internal Heat Transfer of a Copper Coiled Pipe at Different Laminar Flows.

If you are interested in Thermodynamics Design , then you may find these project interesting :
Automotive Air-Conditioning System
Evaluate the efficiency and practicality of a heat pump system used in warm climates.

السبت، 19 مارس 2011

Pneumatic projects

Pneumatic is a branch of engineering, which deals with the study and application of use of compressed or pressurized air to affect mechanical motion.This technology use energy produced by compressed air engines. Projects on Pneumatic are both productive and informational.
List of Projects :

Air Cars
Air Bike

Vacuum cleaner
These vacuum cleaners are also know as air powered cleaners. They are powered by the air and their application is based on pneumatic concept.

Pneumatic or pneumatic vacuum cleaners are a specialized form of models that hook up to compressed air. They commonly can accommodate both wet and dry soilage, a useful feature in industrial plants and manufacturing facilities.

Important things to know :

Compressed air is air which is kept under a certain pressure, usually greater than that of the atmosphere.This air pressure is controlled using pressure regulator which is a valve that automatically cuts off the flow of a liquid or gas at a certain pressure. Regulators are used to allow high-pressure fluid supply lines or tanks to be reduced to safe and/or usable pressures for various applications.

Useful PDF :

Pneumatic Systems 

Pneumatic operated robotic arm

As its name suggest, this robotic arm use compressed air pressure to move itself.

Automatic thread cutting machine

Tail Lift

Bending machine

Magnetic separator

Magnetic separation is a process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using a magnetic force.For example in the case of iron ore, we separate iron from waste using magnetic separation.

Can Crusher

This machine is used for crushing cans. If you can build can crusher which use compressed air energy, it can be very useful project in real life too.

Useful Post:
Can crushing Experiment

Metal Foil cutting Machine

Its name suggest what this machine does. This machine is used in almost all manufacturing industries and it consumes lot of electricity.In this project you will need to power it using pneumatic system.

Pneumatic Tubes or Transport System:
What is Pneumatic tubes ?

A pneumatic motor or compressed air engine is a type of motor which does mechanical work by expanding compressed air.
Air cars

Useful Links
Futuristic Transportation

Related Pdf
Pneumatic grain conveyor
Powder delivery system

Air powered bike

I get this idea from Planet Mechanics show of National Geographic Channel . I have embedded a clip of that show below. This project uses a similar concept as of air cars because both of them use compressed air as a fuel.

Concept :
In this project we compress gas into a cylinder. Compress air behaves like a spring,. more it get compressed, more force it generates. We can use this force for doing any mechanical work and most of the pneumatic projects use this concept.

How much it cost ?

It would not cost much if you have old bicycle and one cylinder in a scrap. All the other items such as engine (Which can be unrepairable motor pump  ) , pipe , valve are cheap and easily available in market.

How its work ?

Its upon you , how you want to use compressed air energy , but I suggest you to use old piston method which was used in steam engines, only difference is, here we use compressed air to push the piston downwards as shown in Video :

Related Projects :
Automobile Projects

الأربعاء، 16 مارس 2011

mini homemade wood lathe machine

A lathe is a machine tool which rotates the workpiece on its axis to perform various operations.
The wood lathe helps us to become creative.It can be used for a wide variety of very precise
operations that allow you to turn almost any thing from a table leg, a chair leg, to a railing post, light
post or even a candle sconce. This machine allows you to hand cut the most amazing things out of
plain stock.

Materials Required :

1.Sewing Machine Motor
2.9/32 Socket
6.Screw and Screw Driver
7.Drilling Machine.

How to build it?

Basic Wood Lathe - Cutting Beads and Coves

Compressed Air Cars

According to Blacksmith Institute Toxic pollution poses health risks to over 100 million people. Moreover with the rising fuel prices there is potential demand for alternative fuel vehicles.Keeping that in consideration french motor company MDI started to build air cars.Even though it is a new concept and there is space for large amount of experiments in this field, Companies started production of cars based on this concept as shown by Sun dial list of 2010 air cars.

As it is still emerging technology, I think this is good project for mechanical students.

Compressed Air Car is car which uses compressed air as its fuel. It uses a concept of steam engine, the only difference is , at the place of steam it uses air.

How stuff works website can help you to understand air fuel car concept :
How the Air Cars Works ?

Compressed Air animation :

What is compressed Air ?

Compressed air is air which is kept under a certain pressure, usually greater than that of the atmosphere.

How to compress Air ?

To compress air, we use air compressors. These compressors take air from atmosphere and store it into  cylinder. When the amount of air increase in cylinder , pressure of air started to rise. 

Students of various universities has started to work on this technology, few of there reports in pdf format are given below :
Northeastern university Compressed Air engine : The EOS

American International University : Use Air as Fuel

Related Videos :

Wooden Air Engine :

الثلاثاء، 15 مارس 2011

School Websites

This project is for students of Computer Science, Information Technology and MCA. It will help you to get understanding of real world requirements and implementations.In this post we will take hypothetical example  "iproject ideas school" and discuss how to code it. After understanding basics you can build any website related to schools.

Start with Requirement Analysis :

5 dynamic web pages which can be updated by school staff on regular bases.These 5 pages are home,news, contact us, feed back and login page.

Dig deeper into requirements  :

1. Home page :  Welcome page for visitors : some basic information about school.

2. News page : This page will publish news about new happenings in school.

3.Contact Us : School address and phone numbers

4. Feedback : It will have form to get feedback from users

5 Login Page : This page will be used by teachers to login.
Back End (Databases)

Database Name : iprojectschool
Pages_Detail : Page_id of type int , Page_Name of type varchar(50) and Page_data of type text
Login :  User_id of type int , Username of type varchar(50) and Password is of type varchar(50)

I think above requirements are sufficient to build basic and easy to understand website , if you want you can scale it up.

Coding Part :

We are going to use PHP and Mysql.I am coding in PHP but logic is same for all other languages.

Software Requirements :
You will need : PHPMyadmin , Apache Server  ( Learn how to install php ).

 Before writing any code, it is important to know that, what we are going to do?

We will design admin page to display and update our database tables.(For this example , we will use phpmyadmin)

We will design home page of school.

That's it.some of you argue that what about the other pages? Our home page will handle all that stuff. I will explain you how?

Step 1. First of all, create database using phpmyadmin. If you don't know how? click here to learn.

Step 2. Insert some data for our pages with the help of phpmyadmin.

Step3. Then create directory of iprojectschool in our root folder such as htdocs

Step4. Create new file home using notepad and save it with php extension.  Now open it with notepad and paste database connection strings into it.

Step5. Type the given code into your file.

Step 6. Create login with the help of this site.

Step 7. Create feedback form

Most of the things that has been covered in this tutorial are for education purposes and not for commercial use,still if you need any help. leave comment. Purpose of this post is not to spoon feed you but make you think. You can't complain that there is no css associated with it or I have not discussed security with you, I left them intentionally for you.

I hope it helped.

الأحد، 13 مارس 2011

Spam filter for Search Engines

Search engine spam filtering

How many web pages do you find valuable?

Even though more than 14 billion web pages indexed on the web according to worldwidewebsize, you can’t even name 1 million useful pages.

Why these other pages are for?

Most of the pages are spams.We all know about the spam’s we receive on emails , even bill gates received lot of spams.At present I am talking about search result spam which is much larger problem than email spamming. Last Night, I was watching discussion of Matt Cutts (Google), Harry Shum(Bing) and Rich Skrenta (Blekko).Even though they have differences , majority of their discussion was focused on improving search results. Moreover about the challenges they are facing of Spam websites and Irrelevant Search Results.

What we can do?

I thought it is important for me to discuss this problem with computer engineering graduates on this blog. If you can build good spam filter for search engines, than it would be great help for millions of users. In this article I will talk about reasons of spam, what big companies are doing ?And, last but not least how can you develop spam filter algorithm.

What these spam websites are and why they are polluting our web?

Spam Websites are sites having content which is not relevant for end user.They are polluting our web for MONEY.

For better perceptive, you need to understand commercial side of it. Most of the genuine website owners make money by referrals systems or advertisements published on their website. Moreover, the amount of money they generate is directly proportional to the number of visitors they have. Large chunk of visitors come from search engines.

To earn quick money spam website publisher build their site according to search engines and not for the end users. After optimization, site starts receiving traffic, this doesn’t look that bad but when visitor doesn’t find relevant content on this site, it frustrate him and he thinks that this particular search engine is not relevant or query doesn’t have significant results available on internet. Worst part of it is that end users are us.

Is it possible to optimize website without having content?

Yes, it is difficult but possible. I give you example of 1995 when Google page rank algorithm was not there. Anyone could optimize his site with domain name of query and repeating strings.
Example: To optimize site for “xyz” query in 90’s spam website owner buy domain name xyz dot com. And repeat xyz query many times. When someone searches that person got that site as first result.

What big companies are doing?

Google search engine tweaks its algo’s in big way to filter these sites, but with them spammers become smarter too. They are now targeting Google page rank algorithm. Even though search engines like Blekko are developing algorithms such as Adspam for blocking sites with spam ,it still needs lot of improvement.

What are the common things in Spam sites?

Common things in spam sites are:

  • They all have some type of advertisement or referral associated with them.
  • They do not have more than 20 pages of original content.
  • There domain names are really big.
  • They give links of many irrelevant websites (Sometime more than 20).
  • Sometime there font color and back ground color is same.
  • Send content with URL links.

How to develop search engine spam filtering System?

As mentioned above if we can recognize spams, we can easily filter them:
Now to filter most of the spam’s, find out sites which has all the above points such as advertisement or referral, not more than 20 pages of content, its domain name is big, irrelevant website links or font color and background color is same than on experience I can say that 99 percent of time this website is not there to help user but to misguide him for money.

So our spam filtering algorithm should do following tests:

Count number of words in URL (Use fopen and count function)

Most of the big and useful site have domain name such as Google, Amazon, Bing, Wikipedia or iProject Ideas. While genuine site owners want visitors to remember their website name, spam sites depends on search engines.
So check whether domain name is more than 20 words or not(use if else loop )

Check number of links in that page having “get” method associate with them.(Use regular expression )

The difference between simple URL and get method URL is: simple url will look like www . xyz . com/ and get method URL is like www . xyz .com?abc=4

I am giving much emphasis on counting URL‘s with get methods because referral to other site doesn’t always require us to send any data with URL. For e.g. if I give url of Wikipedia, I don’t need to send get data with it.

Check font and background color

If font color and background color is same, this clearly signifies that owner of this site has something to hide from user but want search engine to read it.

Check whether given links of relevant websites 

You can check there quality by applying above steps on these sites.

In the above paragraphs I try to provide you help regarding spam filters. I hope it helped. If you have any query regarding this project, you can leave comment.

Related PDF:
Filtering spam using search engines

Related Projects :

Computer Science Projects
Computer final Year Project Ideas

الجمعة، 11 مارس 2011

Anti Collision Mechanism

To implement this project we will need RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) using which we can label product with information.It is basically a wireless non contact system that uses radio frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data. Owner of that information can access that information without having direct contact with that particular product.

What is the use of RFID ?
When implemented successfully each item in inventory carries its information on itself and make automation extremely easier. As we saw in Pranav Sixth sense technology about its possibility and uses when every item tells about its price, reviews and other useful information.

So what's the problem?

This system works great when used with only one information spreading tag in the environment but when multiple product reflect and modulate incoming signals.

How it works?

It works in two steps, in first step we will perform modulation between  High frequency Pseudo random sequence with Data Sequence to get high frequency data sequence and in second step we will modulate Incoming waveform with Pseudo random sequence to get original data.

Step 1.) Pseudorandom Sequence + Data Sequence ----> Resultant Output

Step 2.) Resultant Output + Pseudo random (High Frequency) -----> Original Data

Automation of Inventory
Toll Tax Collection
Improved shopping experience
Information about Car Owner

Related PDF :

RFID Anti-Collision System Using the Spread Spectrum Technique
Implementation of an Anti-Collision Differential-Offset Spread Spectrum RFID System
Anti Collision Protocol

Related Video :

Related Projects :

Electronics Projects
Electrical projects

الخميس، 10 مارس 2011

Fuzzy logic in aircraft stability

Steering System

Steering is the term applied to the collection of components, linkages, etc. which will allow a car or other vehicle to follow the desired course.Computer aided designs are very important for steering systems and system modeling and simulation are more widely used in robotic vehicle engineering to reduce development time, improve the design and miniaturization of complex systems.Those of you, who are interested in this project would definitely like to read this thesis by Shailesh on Modeling and simulation of steering systems.

Helpful Links :
How Car steering works ?
Cad Designs

Related PDF :
Steering System
Hydrostatic Steering System

Related Video:

Related Projects:
CAD Project Ideas

الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2011

Fire Fighting Robot

Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires. A firefighter fights fires to prevent loss of life, and destruction of property and the environment.Fire is dangerous not only for victims but also for firefighters. To make firefighter easier we need a robot which can extinguish fire in adverse circumstances.

Firefighting robot requires:
1)Water Tank: where it carries water
2)Water Pump: to pump out that water
3) Rubber Hosing and Nozzles
4) Sprinkler Head: it will increase the area of water spraying
5) Battery
6) Interface Circuitry

Below,I am sharing links collected from various trusted sources along with PDF. I hope you will find them useful.
Helpful Links :

Project from Illinois University 
Fire Fighting with MAR 
Summary of this project

Related PDF :

Firefighting Robot Oklahoma University
Pokey : A Logical Design Using Digital and Analog Circuitry

Related Presentation:
FFR Design

Related Video :

Related Projects :
Robotics projects for engineering Students

Hospital Information System

What is Hospital Information System ?

Related PDF :


When and How to evaluate HIS ?

Open Source Projects with Source Code :

HOSxP is client/server hospital information system serving in 300+ hospitals in Thailand. HOSxP has many modules which keep and processing data of Patient / Operation / Medication / Laboratory / Radiology / Financial
Programming Language : Delphi/Kylix
Database : Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL (pgsql)

Hospital OS is a hospital information system for small-sized hospitals (100 beds or less, 200 out-patients per day or less). 
Programming Language : Java
Database : JDBC, PostgreSQL (pgsql)
User Interface: Java Swing

HMS is  Hospital Inventory system manages patient info, staff info, stores and medicines, billing and report generation. This complex application communicates with a back-end database server and manages all information related to Hospital logistics.
Programming Language : Visual Basic
Database : Microsoft SQL Server

Open Hospital - Hospital Information System for Angal - Uganda. Patient management, pharmacy.
Programming Language : Java
Database : Mysql
User Interface: Java Swing

Medical is an highly scalable Health and Hospital Information System (HIS) for Open ERP.
Programming Language : Python
Database : PostgreSQL (pgsql)
User Interface: GTK+, Web-based, X Window System (X11).

Integrated Hospital Information System  PHP,My SQL and PostgreSQL. Surgery, Nursing,Outpatient,Wards,Labs, Pharmacy, Security,Admission,Schedulers, Repair, Communication and more.

Related Projects :

Computer Science Projects

Computer final Year Project Ideas