الخميس، 26 أغسطس 2010

Hydraulics project ideas

What is Hydraulics ?

Hydraulics is a science which deals with mechanical properties of liquid. It is basically liquid form of pneumatics. In pneumatics, we use compressed air and in hydraulics we use compressed liquid. When we compress liquid, it gets pressurized and It use power of pressurized liquid for doing various tasks.It works on the principle of Pascal Law which states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.

You can find hydraulic machines from your backyard to big construction site.


It works on very simple concept that when force applied to incompressible liquid at one point, it gets transmitted and multiplied at another point.  Multiplication factor of this force depends upon the area of piston.
How Hydraulic Machines Work ?

Related Projects :
Hydraulic floor crane : It is a low cost alternative for material handling equipments.It can lift 1000 of Kg by just transmitting forces from point to point through a fluid.

Hydraulic four wheel jack
Hydro Power
Hydraulic Car Lift
Water wheel
Hydraulic Regenerative Braking System
Mechanical Clock

Useful PDF:

Hydraulics Facts
Basics of Hydraulics
Towards Human Friendly Hydraulics
Water Hydraulics

Hydraulic lift or Machine

Projects on Web :
Idea for school going kids at yahoo answers.

Related Video :

Pneumatic Projects

الثلاثاء، 10 أغسطس 2010

Industrial engineering projects

 What is Industrial engineering ? 

Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems.You can do various kind of projects in this branch specially related to robotics. In this post we will discuss some other projects done by previous students at various universities around the world.

Optimizing Solid Waste and Recyclable Material collection: This project not only helps us to save our planet but economically beneficial for the company.


Increase Recyclables

Improve User Experience: Make it easy for users to deposit waste material for recycle easily.

Read Montana University Final report to get more information.

Industrial Mathematics Project for high school students

Customer Relationship: This project would help company to retain its existing customers. This is need to be done when some company is upgrading its products and want their customer to purchase their new upgraded their product instead of shifting to competitors.To implement it you need to find out how you can make customer up gradation easier, economically beneficial and useful.

Improving Internal Logistics: Helps companies to reduce time taken to handle logistics.

Improving Information Flow: Information is very vital in modern days and every company needs to make sure that information is flowing within their organization freely. Sometime, when sales team is on the move, their should be some mechanism inside the company using which they can communicate to their head office as well as among themselves.

Inventory Management System: Most common but very useful.We have discussed about this project in our computer projects section.

Related PDF :
Image similarity technique 

Related Video :

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